A.Word.A.Day - The music and magic of words: that's what A.Word.A.Day (AWAD) is about. A daily electronic publication by Wordsmith.Org, AWAD includes a vocabulary word, its definition, pronunciation information with audio clip, etymology, usage example, quotation, and other interesting tidbits about words to subscribers every day. - ENGLISH http://wordsmith.org/awad
- Abbreviations.com - The ultimate resource of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Web. - ENGLISH
- Abkürzung.info - Wichtige Abkürzungen, Akronyme, Kurzwörter, Kürzel und Initial-Kurzwörter aus allen wichtigen Bereichen; Suchmaschine und Lernprogramm; Kostenloser Abkürzungs-Trainer (A-Trainer). - GERMAN
Acronym Finder - The Acronym Finder is a huge searchable database, containing over 4 million acronyms, abbreviations and definitions. Covers: common acronyms, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications & military acronyms. - ENGLISH http://www.acronymfinder.com
- Acronyma - Search engine of acronyms and abbreviations on the Internet. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
ArtLex Art Dictionary - More than 2,600 terms defined, many with illustrations, great quotations, pronunciation notes, and links to other resources. - ENGLISH http://www.artlex.com
Behind the Name - The etymology and history of first names. - ENGLISH http://www.behindthename.com
- Biography.com - Search over 25,000 of the greatest lives, past and present. - ENGLISH
BusinessDictionary.com - Easy-to-use free business glossary with over 20,000 definitions. Concise, clear, and comprehensive. - ENGLISH http://www.businessdictionary.com
- Confusing Words - A collection of thousands of words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused. - ENGLISH
- Definr.com - Incredibly fast dictionary... - ENGLISH
- dict.cc dictionary :: English-German translation - The goal of dict.cc is to make it possible to share your vocabulary knowledge with the world. This is the main difference to other translation services - every user is encouraged to contribute to the dictionary by adding and/or verifying English-German translation suggestions. The resulting vocabulary database can also be downloaded. - ENGLISH, GERMAN
- Dictionary.com - Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and reference guide, crossword puzzles and other word games, online translator and Word of the Day. - ENGLISH
- Digital Dictionaries of South Asia - The Digital Dictionaries of South Asia Project is a collaborative effort to widen access to South Asian Language Dictionaries. Established dictionaries for each of the twenty-six modern literary languages of South Asia will be mounted on the web for free and open access. - ENGLISH
- Electronic Definitions Web Site - A collection of over 2000 electronic definitions, electronic acronyms and terms related to electronic industry. - ENGLISH
- FlexiDict - Kostenlose Online-Wörterbücher Italienisch, English, Deutsch. - GERMAN
FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary - The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing is a searchable dictionary of terms from computing and related fields. - ENGLISH http://www.foldoc.org
- Fonetiks.org - Pronunciation guides + online dictionary for English and 9 other languages with instant mouseover sound, completely free online: pronunciation guides are provided for English (7 varieties) French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Indonesian and Thai. Over 40 native speakers, with a unique ESL "Spoken Grammar". Further English language pronunciation practice is provided using minimal pairs. - ENGLISH
Forvo - A free word pronunciation dictionary. All the words in all the languages pronounced by native speakers. - ENGLISH http://www.forvo.com
- Free On-Line Dictionaries with Conjugation and Grammar - Free On-Line Translation Services in 7 Languages. Access to the Multilingual and Spelling WinDi Dictionaries. The WinDi Conjugation and Grammar functions are also available. There are 21 language pairs and 42 possible directions. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
- Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - A free online talking English pronunciation dictionary: simply mouse over your entry to hear it pronounced. American and British spellings, with alternative pronunciations. Sounds are fast, clear and completely natural, pre-recorded by native speakers. - ENGLISH
- Google Dictionary - Google's free online dictionary service. - ENGLISH
- HowJsay.com - An English pronouncing dictionary with instant sound. - ENGLISH
- IdiomDictionary.com - Easy-to-use free idiom dictionary with over 5,000 idioms and phrases explained. A concise, clear, and comprehensive explanation of all commonly used idioms. - ENGLISH
- Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim - Deutsche Rechtschreibung: Regeln und Wörterverzeichnis - GERMAN
- LEO Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch - Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch, ein Online-Service der Informatik der Technischen Universität München. English/German Dictionary. - GERMAN, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
- Lexipedia - Using Lexipedia you can visually map out words and concepts in a clean and friendly interface. No more thumbing through a dictionary, or fumbling through a single-word search; with Lexipedia you can see related words, synonyms, antonyms and fuzzynyms. And best of all, it's absolutely free! - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
lingro - A free multilingual AJAX dictionary and language learning site. Currently supporting English (ESL), Spanish, Italian, French, and German. - ENGLISH http://lingro.com
- List of Dictionaries - A collection of links to on-line dictionaries by the University of Zagreb. - ENGLISH
- Logos - A Multilingual E-Translation Portal! - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
- Memidex - A free online dictionary and thesaurus with a simple interface, complete inflections, auto-suggest, adult-filtering, frequent updates, a browsable index, and support for handheld/mobile devices. - ENGLISH
- Merriam-Webster OnLine - The complete Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus online, free and searchable with definitions and audio pronunications. You can also read the Word of the Day, play Word Games, and purchase books and CDs. - ENGLISH
OneLook® Dictionaries - Search for a word or term in an online Internet dictionary or glossary. Free search access to a frequently updated database of words, terms, names, acronyms vs Internet links to online dictionaries and glossaries. More than 1000 dictionaries in several languages! - ENGLISH http://www.onelook.com
- Online Dictionary of Sociology, Athabasca University - This social science dictionary has 1000 entries covering the disciplines of sociology, criminology, political science and women's study with a commitment to Canadian examples and events and names. - ENGLISH
- Online Japanese Dictionaries and Glossaries - A collection of annotated links to online Japanese dictionaries. - ENGLISH
- SpanishDICT.com - Translate Spanish and English words with audio pronunciations. - ENGLISH, SPANISH
- Spokensanskrit - An online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit-English and English-Sanskrit. - ENGLISH
- Swabian into English - Schwäbisch-Englisches Wörterbuch - Interactive dictionary of the swabian language - Interaktives schwäbisch-englisches Wörterbuch. - ENGLISH, GERMAN
- Tatoeba - At its core, Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages. But as a whole, it is much more than that... - ENGLISH
- Tech Terms Computer Dictionary - Contains hundreds of computer and technology terms, all with detailed explanations. - ENGLISH
- The Free Dictionary - English, medical, legal, financial, and computer dictionaries, thesaurus, acronyms, encyclopedia, a literature reference library, and a search engine all in one! - ENGLISH
- The Internet Picture Dictionary - Free, online multilingual picture dictionary with interactive activities for English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and ESL learners. - ENGLISH
- Twittonary - The Twitter Dictionary aka Twittonary provides explanations of various Twitter related words. - ENGLISH
- Units of Measurement - A dictionary of units of measurement by Russ Rowlett from the Center for Mathematics and Science Education - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. - ENGLISH
- Visual dictionary - Visual Dictionary, where words are defined as pictures, for leaning the exact names of objects. Different from a traditional dictionary or from encyclopedia because the images replace the words. - ENGLISH, FRENCH
- Visual Medical Dictionary - Interactive visual medical dictionary, mapping drug-disease relationships. - ENGLISH
Visuwords™ - Online graphical dictionary. Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. - ENGLISH http://www.visuwords.com
- Webopedia - An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and techincal support. - ENGLISH
- Who Named It? - Comprehensive dictionary of medical eponyms. The stories of diseases, conditions, medical syndromes and the people whose names they carry. - ENGLISH
Wiktionary - A collaborative project to produce a free, multilingual dictionary with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES http://wiktionary.org
- WordNet-Online - Free dictionary and hierarchical thesaurus of English. Synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, usage examples, and much more. - ENGLISH
Wordnik - A dictionary, thesaurus, word community, and more. - ENGLISH http://www.wordnik.com
- WordReference.com - Online French, Italian and Spanish Dictionary. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
Woxikon - Translation of words, word sequences and short sentences into the languages German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES http://www.woxikon.com
- WriteExpress Online Rhyming Dictionary - Find rhymes online with the WriteExpress Rhyming Dictionary for poetry, and songwriting! - ENGLISH
yourDictionary.com - Very comprehensive and authoritative language portal with every resource needed for language study and improvement in more than 250 languages. - ENGLISH http://www.yourdictionary.com